Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Brown Interview Advice

003 mental health center, a storyteller from the crazy

Author: Sleeping Publisher: Mondadori Pages: 245
When Stalin makes you you met his political sermon then you make a calling card in his hands and exclaimed: "Welcome to the club." In the room down the hall is John Blue, an autistic boy who spends his days coloring landscapes. Three pens in his pocket he always tipped big to fill the whole sky, and woe if it remains dry. Nobody would say that the professor is crazy it is able to recite by heart all the songs of the Divine Comedy. But then he always stops at the most awkward and asks you if you bring the corkscrew, even if what they need has never understood. There is a very good company in the Mental Health Centres as told by Simon Webbe, even imaginary places that allow him to better express his talent as a storyteller contemporaneo.Mariella in half, the guardian angel, the Morlacca, Pendolino, Sister Elizabeth are among the many characters who inhabit the "Ship of Fools." What are inventions or people in the flesh does not matter. In this book we are their stories that portray a world full of tenderness, a stroke of genius, suffering, but also unexpected allegria.Un world obscured from view of normal, but full of tiny lights. A world sedated but button, a motionless world and yet continues to swing between madness and normality. Creeping doubts about the clarity of the boundary between those who are of sound mind and who is not, Garfunkel brings us the mysterious beauty of those calls the "sacred silence". Cristicchi tells them in a journey that touches the former Italian asylums, being felt directly their voices through the full publication of thirty-five letters never delivered by the Directorate of Asylum Volterra


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