Brussels, January 18 (TMNews) - As to the responsibility of the private sector in crisis, the minister has made a scholarly reference Monophysite heresy of the fifth century, attributed to Jesus that only the divine nature, denying the human ('input' from the divinities). The 'controversy' theology was closed by the Council of Chalcedon (451), and the condemnation of the Monophysite, but today, Tremonti said, "there is an attitude 'monophizite' by those who say that the crisis was caused solely by the public finance, and our impression is that instead of having a dual nature, both public and private finance. If you deny this - warned the minister - denies the reality that stability depends not only on public finance, but also by an excess of leverage, credit cards and real estate bubbles in private finance. The non-consideration of this 'dark side' - said Tremonti - led us to a major critical, "as evidenced by the fact that" Ireland did not have budget problems "before the crisis due to its bank rescue by the government.
Tremonti said that all ministers of the Eurozone and the Commission today speak of a "comprehensive solution" to the crisis, state by state as opposed to the approach, the difficulties as they arise, which could lead to a domino effect. For the minister, the 'keyword' is' comprehensive '(which in English means' total), because in its Latin root refers to the understanding, "means to have intellectual honesty, understanding the causes of the crisis." It 'a process, noted that "going on very well what was seen as a particular way and a bit provincial to read the crisis, from Italy, now you are saying" at Europe. At this point, asked Tremonti, "the question is, why should they be taken strict measures for public budgets, doing nothing for the private sector? For us fiscal discipline is a key objective, but must be combined with a ' deeper analysis of the crisis. It 's too easy to blame the governments, but in Ireland, Portugal, Spain, the problem was not the public finances. The problems were in the private sector, and discipline must take on both sides. "
Having started from a "demonization of the public debt," we are short before a real change of strategy: "Looking only at the private finance without debt, or just to finance private non-government debt is a mistake. We confirmed fiscal discipline, but we also want - said Tremonti - more checks on the soundness of banks and private finance, this is the right approach and the high road. "Such an approach including, for example, 'stress test' banks, which the EU Single Market Commissioner, Michel Barnier, has confirmed today will be repeated with a methodology more rigorous and more credible "than those of last spring.
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