(LPAC) - It's a week ago about the news that the European Internal Market Commissioner Michel Barnier returned to the charge against any government intervention - even theoretical - in the Italian economy . On behalf EU Commissioner has warned Italy to amend law on the Golden Share, the action of gold held by the State in strategic groups such as Eni, Finmeccanica, Enel and Telecom Italy. According to Barnier, the powers conferred on the Italian government are "excessive ", "vague and indeterminate " would give the authorities " wide discretionary powers in judging the risks to the vital interests of the State , all contrary to the rules Community on free competition.
Now that the European Union is opposed to state intervention in economy should not surprise anyone, but the renewed aggressiveness towards Italy at this time of economic crisis and political upheaval may be able to help open the eyes of those who still believe that the principles of liberalism are compatible with the economic welfare of nations. But let's return back a little to grasp the situation. The turning point of its production to the destruction of European economies - often identified as the "Rhine model" in the nineties - was close to a period of great political upheaval in Europe, which began with the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
At that time Germany was ready to lead a process of economic development not only true for the new Länder , but also for Poland, and by implication, for all of Europe Europe. The productive capacity of the core was used in the sense dirigiste, to lift the oppressed for decades by the Soviet system. The movement of Lyndon LaRouche was activated immediately with a campaign for an alliance for the development not only of Europe itself, but also in Asia through the well-known project of the Eurasian Development Bridge. The nations of Europe would lead a new era of cooperation and progress, changing the direction of current history.
oligarchic interests have not been watching. From London, the historical site of imperial geopolitics, he left the campaign against Germany, accusing it of becoming the Fourth Reich, the key man in Germany to finance the project, Alfred Herrhausen, was assassinated by a terrorist group of dubious existence, war broke out in the Balkans, thereby destabilizing Central Europe just as happened at the time of the First World War, and the goal of greater European co-operation became a pretext for imposing the Treaty of Maastricht and the single currency, eliminating the economic sovereignty of member countries. And do not think some dark conspiracy theories, Helmut Kohl was the same in its pleadings to state emphatically that Margaret Thatcher and Francois Mitterrand, with the support of George HW Bush, demanded that Germany should agree to join the Euro in exchange for the green light to German reunification.
no coincidence that Italy also experienced a moment of great instability, a political transformation that inaugurated the season of "modernization" and brought straight to the economic and financial crisis today. Tangentopoli was used to take out an entire political class, with many flaws for sure, but sometimes willing to oppose the dictates of international finance. In addition, the system of state holdings was a structure that would guarantee the country's industrial internally and at international level despite the decline already in place since the seventies.
Since the caretaker government led by Amato and Ciampi not only was there a "renewal" of the political class, but were rewritten the rules of the economy, from banks to pension, from large enterprises to local services. The season of privatization led to the sale of many state enterprises in the name of efficiency and the need to reduce public debt. As previously documented, this process does not really lead to some savings for the state, in many cases represents a loss proper, and above all the strategic sectors of the economy opened to certain national and international private interests who care about anything but the common good.
So, back to the Golden Share . Large companies of the State are now private, but some of them, the Treasury maintains a veto power over strategic decisions. From the point of view of international financial and economic system of today, that power is clearly an anomaly, if you believe in the "free market" the state should have no role in directing business, would only distort free competition. But if we look at the world from the strategic point of view indicated in a while summary above, the possibility for Italy - and every nation that wants to survive in this time of crisis - to defend itself from destruction or from selling off of key sectors of its economy, is essential. All the more so when the economic dogmas of the past decades have just been proved wrong in spectacular fashion. The efficiency of the market has led to a series of speculative bubbles whose implosion has opened a crisis without end. The market has allocated funds so perfectly that now the citizens suffer austerity and crisis centers to ensure long life to transnational speculative.
The fact that free trade is enshrined in the Treaty of Lisbon does not mean the failure of that system. Until remains some shred of sovereignty would be the case to keep it, the world is changing rapidly, and was served just to build a future for the people who are no longer willing to suffer hunger and reduction of their rights in the name of globalization.
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