Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Long To Receive Renewed License

Arabic: behind, nothing?

Tunisia, Egypt and now Libya.
are military, "aristocracy" oligarchic, senior State to face dangerous and lead uprisings and revolts. The origin of which, some say, there are also unresolved social problems, increased prices of basic foodstuffs, liberticide and oppression in any way anti-democratic power choices nepotistic and so on, surely there are concatenations Cases of this type, but there were (and are happening) especially furious power struggle between those in power was already there (military autocrats, dynasties, and even in the case of Libya, tribe).
Now the question is, however, but the "secret services" from around the world have long holidays and were all distracted? And political and diplomatic circles or those of the media, did not notice anything? Yet the outbreak is large and involves their interlocutors that "inexplicably and suddenly," you are killing. Then all they have not done their job? Or the "coup plotters" have done a comedy special, everyone, to mask their illnesses and their next step to action? Pathetic was the picture of the Libyan ambassador to the United Nations, which after being deployed against Gaddafi, has been embraced by all in tears and called for the punishment of those who had sent him, his "spiritual guide", Muammar Gaddafi, even He was surprised he did not know anything about the maneuvers of the Libyan tribes, of which he is part, for and against the power current. Given that
- Ben Ali, Tunisian deposed leader, made a coup when he was the general in charge of "intelligence" of Bourguiba;
- Mubarak, was in charge of "intelligence" of Egyptian President Sadat when he was murdered him and took his place;
- Libyan Gaddafi was a young officer, when deposed King Idris el Senussi, originally from Cyrenaica, and it was with a group of officers expression of the various regions and tribes of Libya, on behalf of a unified national so-called "Nasser"
- in these countries it seems that the power network remains the same, with the replacement of men, families and dynasties, perhaps with some opening in more libertarian, but without structural changes (on the other hand, the Arab and Islamic history has a continuity in the secular conception of what elsewhere called the State) ;
- the 'country Egypt is important for peace in the world;
- Tunisia is a country as important as reference Islamic secularism in Europe;
- Libya is important country in the world market for oil and gas.
In view of this, is it possible that behind the "secret services", generals, arms, heads dynasties, tribal leaders, people leaders, regents of the state, there is never was none? The leaders, from the "services" (Ben Ali and Mubarak) and the military coup (Gaddafi) acted alone, in short, improvised? And, since I lived alone, happily? And those who have done or are doing (do) the "revolutions" must act in complete isolation, only in the company of people, as if the military or oil were the "optional", a minor?
For example, stopping in Libya: the mythical greater Jallud has long been the head of the Gaddafi government (and therefore relationship and often friends with everyone) was abruptly killed off (it was said that he was conspiring against Gaddafi and stealing, course); Jallud is one of the leaders of the tribe Maghara, together with General Jaber Al Megrahi of the Lockerbie bombing, the tribe Maghara seems aligned against Qadhafi, and no one knew, knew, had relationships with Maghara, which have the power network in the most important Libyan armed forces (not by chance seem to have melted like snow in the sun to the early lifting Cyrenaica)? And no one knew the Azaweya, which now threatened to close the oil spigot? Or the Warfalla, which have a population equal to 20% of the Libyans?
It 'hard to think that all the pandemonium that is happening in North Africa is random, so if the world should tremble and we hope that it is not someone in the world to know what's going on in those countries, in many ways vital for everyone.

Posted by "Western" February 28, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Clean My Stomach Remedies

Libya: risk propaganda about the truth

(Il Giornale) - But how many deaths in Libya? One thousand, two thousand or ten thousand? And how many cities have fallen into the hands of insurgents? Two, three, ten? The Libyan crisis is full of sensational and shocking news so much as of dubious reliability. We are all horrified to learn that Gaddafi had ordered air force to bomb the crowd, But that fact does not confirm the bishop of Tunis, along with other witnesses. Phone calls from Libya are very difficult and online interrupted: but every day dramas emerge either for or against the regime. We have seen that the mass graves, but it did not seem so common. They were, rather, sixteen holes in the ground as those that are dug in each cemetery. The TV of Tripoli, however, transmits images of thousands of Libyans rejoicing in the streets to demonstrate that the Colonel is loved and still firmly in power. Who lies? Useless, asking this question, all lie. As in any crisis. Movies with corpses or destruction may be related to events that occurred years ago or in another country and just tighten the field lens to make it appear a few dozen people in the square a crowd almost oceanic.
Remember the black cormorant the first Gulf War, a symbol of Saddam's ruthlessness that - then we were told - had opened the pipelines? It was a fake. And the massacre in Timisoara in Romania during the uprising against Ceausescu? Never existed. At the time of the last war in Iraq, the media spread a huge amount of nonsense, but for which no one noticed in real time. In fact, almost anyone. The few doubtful voices usually end up overwhelmed by the force of breaking news, from breaking news and therefore a overwhelming excitement. Stun or impress. Drag or depressing. Exalt or frighten. What matters is the immediate effect. Modern wars are won also, and above all, on average.

(Il Giornale) - The historic Angelo Del Boca deep knowledge of the country "That beach is an old cemetery. And where are the bodies? "
'graves? Ten thousand dead? Fifty injured? Boom! Angelo Del Boca, 85, mutters in disbelief over the phone. Writer, partisan, historical "biography" of Gaddafi (we did a book of 400 pages) Del Boca was the first to denounce the atrocities carried out by Italian troops in Libya when on the "sand box" waving the flag.
No mass graves, then.
"But no, no. The images that we all have seen are those of Asiah cemetery in the west, where the city ends. It's an area I know well, like the rest of Tripoli, after all. But then, if we think, what we saw? Holes, pits, and the people who stood beside him. And the bodies? Corpses? Those who saw them? ".
Yet the budget that is ready-made. Ten thousand dead and fifty injured ... All propaganda?
"Certainly if you put around these figures point to make it worse the picture of Gaddafi. And God knows if needed. But we realize what it means to fifty thousand injured? Not all hospitals would be enough in North Africa. Son bales, I think. I have three witnesses that I trust. Independent, series, as the lawyer Anwar Fekini, graduated from the Sorbonne, the grandson of Mohammed that Fekini who was leader of the resistance in Tripoli from 1911 to 1931. Well. Fekini speaks a thousand, two thousand dead. "
What will become of Colonel Gaddafi?
"Mah I waited until the last to come out of the scene as Ben Ali of Tunisia, like Mubarak, with his court and his loot. But Qaddafi is not a coward. It is a criminal, but has its own glittering greatness. "
A Shakespearean character ...
"Exactly. A man of great intellect, educated. Yes, I'm sorry that Colonel human adventure has led her to a final doom. It's a dead end. But not surrender. It will kill. "
Its embarrassing megalomania, his glasses diva, the Amazons, the wardrobe that obscured that of Michael Jackson will eventually cause us to forget the merits of man.
"What do exist. Libya was an aggregate of 130 clan. It was he to make a nation, driving the Americans and British, and finally Italians. "
Then the conviction to be just one step below the swept the Almighty. How Saddam Hussein.
Two fates mirror.
"As the rais of Baghdad, including Gaddafi's dream of becoming the Caliph, the great leader of all Arabs. It's a dream that has cultivated a long time, until in 2000 he realized that was not feasible. "
was then that he invented the African Union.
"Gathering together 54 heads of state and government, he appointed" king of kings "as the Negus. Exaggerations, posture and clothing, were directed to that audience. " What does the leader
glowing, unreachable, a kind of dream vision in Technicolor.
"Gaddafi was thinking of a foreign policy in an economy, an army in common. A criminal, I repeat. A criminal who in the Sixties and Seventies sent his goons around Europe to eliminate his enemies. But not a fool, believe me. "
She has spoken several times. What did you think of the mythical Green Paper, the Enlightenment in the Islamic sauce?
"I made the request. I said point blank. "Honestly - he said - was a failure. Libya is a country black, dark, not at all green."

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Libya: a war "tribal"

"... The end for Gaddafi called tribes Warfala, Zintan, Rojahan, Orfella, Riain, the Farjane to Zuwayya, Tuareg. The same as in 1911 faced Italians during the war in Libya. They are the past that does not pass: the great tribes that have broken this "pact" that has been one of the pillars forty-core power of Muammar Gaddafi. These are the tribes, which belong to more than 140, 85 percent of the Libyans, to have raised in Libya, the young intellectuals nor the working masses, the country that are largely composed of foreign workers. They could deal the final blow to the regime of Colonel. And with the large tribes, the international community will have to face Libya in the post-Saddam. To prevent the pulverization of the state. To avert a new Somalia.
Alliances are redefined. New agreements were signed. This marked the end of Saddam. Each of the main tribe is represented nell'establishment military and people's committees and revolutionary made after Gadhafi seized power in 1969. Some clans have for decades in fighting among themselves for power, but the fighting until a few days ago had remained latent, also thanks to the mediation of the same leaders and the proceeds of oil and gas. A mediation that is skipped. Definitely.
The Tuareg, who are half a million in Libya, have accepted the "call to arms" of the tribe Warfala, with more than one million people in the country. Also one of the leaders Warfala said that Gaddafi "is no longer a brother" and must leave Libya. The leaders of the tribe Warfala are among the main opponents of the government, to the point that, according to sources, organized in 1993 with an Air Force generals attempted coup d'etat against the Colonel then failed. And the chief of the tribe in the Eastern Desert Zuwayya had threatened to halt oil exports if the authorities did not put an end to repression. Last Sunday also Orfella tribe, which has ninety thousand people, has decided to support the insurgency. In recent days, leaders of the tribes and Warfalla Zuwayya, concentrated in the east of the country, have withdrawn their support for Gaddafi. The Zuwayya have even threatened to block oil exports. And the many other tribes of Cyrenaica (Zuwayah, Awaqir, Abid, Barasa, Majabrah, Awajilah, Minifah, Abaydat, Fawakhir and others) seemed to follow that choice.
entire population Cyrenaica, on the other hand, has always considered the 1969 coup against King Idris and the monarchy Senussi the same way as the hegemony of the Libyans "Western" on the fate of the country. Different situation in Tripoli. Here's accession Zintan tribe, originally from the eponymous town south of Tripoli, to protest against Gaddafi, has indeed led to dissent in the western part of the country, but confirmed - to tribal rivalries - those Rayaina, Siaan, and Hawamed Nawayel in the opposite camp. Before loyal and now "neutral" are the clans of the Berber area of \u200b\u200bmeasurement. Even in the vast Fezzan, the southern part of the country, there is an intricate tribal composition. In addition to Mahamid Arabs, we find the non-Arab tribes of Tabu, which populate areas Qatrun Sabha and oasis of Kufrah. Gaddafi also lined up against most of the tribes of southern Libya and the clan of al-Furjana, whose members live mainly in the city of Sirte.
"In the short-term prospects are very bleak for Libya - notes Robert Danin, the Arab Council on Foreign Relations in New York - that it was unclear if he can survive as a united nation or if the will to prevail ' identity of a decentralized country in which the collective identity is very weak to prevail and have the loyalty to tribe and clan with rooted in past centuries. " "The tribe Magariha one side is grateful to Gaddafi that obtained from Britain for the release of al-Megrahi BaseT" already jailed for involvement in the Lockerbie bombing, "but the other did not forget Defenestration Jallud (l ' former prime minister who was the Colonel at his side for almost ten years before he ousted, accusing him of plotting against him, ndr) "still seen as a serious offense. Since Magariha are estimated at nearly one million souls, are well-armed and economically strong will be critical in the overthrow of Saddam and the establishment of a new balance of power in Libya in the future, "reflects the academic Egyptian Faraj Abdulaziz Najam, specializing in Libyan history.
"The Tribe (qabila) is the only institution which for centuries has shaped, and regulated the company defended the Arab population (Berber and in small part) that have inhabited the region called the beginning of the twentieth century by Italian colonizers Tripolitania, Cyrenaica and Fezzan, "remarked Aldo Nicosia on Limes. "The affirmation of tribal political system - continues Nicosia - strongly backed and supported by the Gaddafi regime is to prevent the emergence of a civil society based on democratic and pluralistic institutions (which contrasts with the obvious demagoguery of the slogan of" power to the masses " ) begins to cause the withdrawal of the Libyan tribe, and in parallel plunges the country into corruption at all levels. " Tribal belonging destined to mark the present and the future of Libya. With or without Saddam. "

Umberto De Giovannangeli: "The Unit" February 26, 2011

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Trichet and European Commission refused to stop the speculation

(LPAC) - With prices for basic food skyrocketing around the world, the lack of stocks and uncontrolled speculation, Lyndon LaRouche reiterated the February 14 His call to put a ceiling on food prices. The process hyperinflationary speculation is pushing money into commodities markets, and the resulting explosion of prices. And this at a time when, according to the World Bank, nearly one billion people around the world, almost one sixth of the world population suffering from hunger and another billion are malnourished. "We need a roof to the international prices of food," said LaRouche. "We need to freeze food prices by imposing a cap now! The situation in Egypt and Tunisia are only a warning."
LaRouche's call to end speculation about the food was echoed in the last two years by the Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti. Now they seem to be waking up even his European colleagues. A similar warning came from the German Minister of Agriculture, Ilse Aigner, during his opening speech to the annual agricultural fair in Berlin, January 20: the food riots and the destabilization of the countries of North Africa, he said, indicate the need to regulate and protect agricultural commodities by speculators. Mrs. Aigner and agriculture ministers of the other 26 EU countries have sent a request to the European Commission to compile these rules, but the Commission refused, with the absurd grounds that it is speculation to cause inflation food prices!
However, the situation has become so dramatic by the end in January that the proposal to ban speculation on food has been put on the agenda of the G20 began Feb. 18 in Paris. The finance minister said the Indonesian Agus Martowardojo G20: "We hope that the G20 forum to put pressure on the markets so that there are more speculators or financial or non-financial industries, who are capitalizing on food ... At the level of G20, Long term, we are asking countries to set up a fund to increase the productivity of food, but in the short term, we must send a message to the financial and non-financial industries who are capitalizing on food prices, as well as the futures industry, to make so it does not destabilize prices. "
The French Minister of Agriculture
Bruno Le Maire has confirmed the need for a limit to the speculation: "It should be imposed. It is unacceptable that there are people who create artificial shortages of food and approprino of this or that amount of food for the sole purpose to make profits, while millions of people suffer from hunger. " European governments seem to have realized the disaster food prices caused by man, but have not taken any concrete steps.
Worse: Jean-Claude Trichet, who heads the EU real government, he turned against his thumbs. Speaking to French radio station Europe 1 February 20, Trichet said: "We can not do anything against the increase Current energy prices and goods, but we must do everything possible to avoid what we call the effect of return. "And what would the effects of return?" I'm thinking the whole range of other prices, including, of course, wages. "Increase wages" would be a silly thing to do, "he said brutally.
The ECB could stop the speculation in a flash, close the taps of easy money. The liquidity pumped into the system constantly pouring in speculation Foodstuffs such as show all the diagrams. The EU itself has issued the following figures: "investment" in commodities markets were $ 15 billion in 2003, they went through 300 billion in 2008 and has since continued to rise. At the Chicago mercantile exchange, 85% of traders have no business in the food industry.
Even the large producers are sounding the alarm: February 16, the Swiss division of Kraft Foods, the second largest producer of food worldwide, issued a statement denouncing hedge funds, accusing them of pumping huge volumes of capital in food since mid-2007, causing inflation in the prices never seen before. This threatens to compromise the security of food supplies, Kraft Foods has warned, calling for a regulation that excludes speculators from the markets of agricultural products.

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Water, Berlin says "Ripubblicizziamola!"

( - The popular referendum last Sunday ended with a victory that came close to unanimity: the 98.2 percent of citizens want the Berliner is Wasserbetriebe managed exclusively by the City

Even the water returns to Berlin public. To decide on a referendum that asked the citizens of Berlin, Sunday, Feb. 13, to say "yes" or "no" to the proposal to remove the water management to private.
If in Italy you must still vote on the issue of privatization of water services , and if in a city like Paris has already been decided a long time to make them public again, today also decided that Berlin can no longer associate speculation and profits to a good important as water. Berliners have in fact voted "yes" to the referendum for the annulment of the partial privatization of water services management company. An overwhelming victory to say the least: more than 678,000 voters, 98.2% voted in favor of a U-turn, claiming even greater transparency of contracts.
"A essential commodity like water can not be a source of profit, we want to come back in public hands, "said the spokesman of the organizing committee, Thomas Rodek. And it will. That the referendum was a victory for Berlin, yes they need at least 616,571, and 665,713 have arrived. Andreas Fuchs, the cashier of the referendum committee, said: "We had hoped, but I did not expect more, given the low turnout in the morning." He adds: "It is proof that much can be done with few resources." Very few resources, since the Committee had only 12 000 euro to organize everything: money derived entirely from donations (and the organizers of the failed referendum on religion in school two years ago had raised hundreds of thousands of euro).
The request was for the full publication of the contract by which the German capital in 1999, trying to raise cash, he decided to sell the companies RWE and Veolia 49.9% of the municipal water services, the Berliner Wasserbetriebe. A contract referred to only in November of 2010 the promoters of the referendum have been published by the Berlin City Hall: 700 pages explaining the process of partial privatization. A dossier showing how the city has guaranteed high profit margins for both parties involved, RWE and Veolia. That, within ten years, have grossed more profits of the entire city of Berlin 1.3 billion against 696 million. Now the objective of the referendum committee is still to fully restore the Berliner Wasserbetriebe in public hands. Avoiding possible to replicate what happened in nearby Potsdam, where, despite the company's management of water services has been rimunicipalizzata ten years ago, prices continued to rise. And to charge a cubic meter of water today than in Berlin (5.82 €).
On a Sunday between April 15 and June 15, Italians will be able to deliver on the question regarding the termination of the Ronchi Decree, by which in 2009 was ruled that the water service is not longer be managed by public companies, but only given to companies that are either totally private, or privately owned for at least 40%. The second question concerns the cancellation of the "Environmental Code", a rule providing for a share of profit on the fee for water service, the so-called "return on investment."
According to the Italian critics of the referendum on the water "privatization can only improve the quality of services." For supporters of the referendum in Berlin, however, following the partial privatization of water services municipal water prices have increased by 35% ranks among the highest of any other German city. In Berlin, a cubic meter of water costs € 5.12, 3.26 in Cologne. Let's keep in mind, when this spring we will go to the polls. Dorothea Harlin also reminds us of the referendum committee in Berlin, which stresses the importance of international success at the polls on February 13, noting that "not only Berliners, but citizens around the world are fighting for water," .

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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17? ... millions or billions? ... Infrastructure to prevent the 'biblical exodus "from North Africa

(EIR Strategic Alert) - The five Tunisians landed on Lampedusa in the second week of February are not the beginning of what will surely become an "exodus of biblical proportions," as stated by the former prefect of Rome, Achille Serra, if not completely abandon economic policy of globalization and development programs being launched urgently € -African. Minister Frattini's good to talk about the need for a "Marshall Plan", but in the euro system will these words written on sand.
The situation has been dramatically described by a delegation from the Tunisian government came to Rome on February 17. The Minister of Industry and Technology Afif Chelbi has called "ridiculous" the EU offer of 17 million as an advance of 258 million already pledged through 2013. Tenders "Demonstrates that [the EU] did not understand the scope of historical events taking place in the south of the Mediterranean", has denounced Chelbi, adding: "When Catherine Ashton spoke of 17 million, the Minister thought he had misunderstood and asked: 'Millions or billions?.' Once again the EU is not up to the task of confronting the region. "
financier Tarak Ben Ammar, who is part of the "Committee of Wise Men" that accompanies the constitutional reform in Tunisia, was even harsher: "What Europe has provided in aid to Tunisia is a tip, almost an insult . It takes at least 10 billion to rebuild six months in tourism, economy, labor the country. "To Ben Ammar is political will," Oh said that Europe wants to develop the North Africa in order not to get people in their own land or not will be in 5000, but in 500 000 to arrive on its shores " .
If the European nations (and we speak intentionally nations and non-EU) genuinely want to help Tunisia and other North African countries, there are some projects to start immediately, as part of an approach to be true development, namely the development of productive infrastructure in those countries that make real sense. It takes an integrated approach to energy infrastructure, water and transport. It starts with the design of the reclamation of the Shatt, muddy depressions in Tunisia and Algeria, which may become agro-industrial centers. Then there is the project, the Italian tunnel between Tunisia and Sicily, which would create a real euro-land bridge Asia-Africa. The tunnel was presented for the first time to an international conference of the Schiller Institute in Kiedrich, Germany, in 2007 (here: ).
L ' EIR spoke with the author, Eng. Peter La Mendola, who led a team of ENEA. The tunnel would give a far greater importance to the stable connection between Messina and Reggio Calabria, Italian regional infrastructure, making it no longer but the ring intercontinental infrastructure. It would create a rail corridor over 2500 km between Tunis and Berlin, which are connected to the Eurasian east-west corridor. The project would create ten thousand jobs in Tunisia, providing an important stabilizer in terms of migration. The tunnel, freight-only, would be composed of several sections as long as 60 km each, separated by four artificial islands built with the excavated material. The work could begin immediately after the completion of a geological prospecting, which usually would take four years but which, if carried to ENI, it would be much faster since the Italian agency already collected data on the entire area as part of its research of hydrocarbons. A Once done, prospecting, and marine platforms erected without reaching the "moles" for drilling, we proceed at a speed of 1.5 km per day. This means that in 60 months, the tunnel is dug.
Italy's interest to move without waiting for blessings from above, because it is a development project that extends to the south, in terms of rail, energy, employment, etc.. At a time when Economy Minister Tremonti task demonstrate trips to the South to witness the abysmal lack of infrastructure, and the complaint in the Council of Ministers of the gap in productivity from north to south, it must move boldly to implement policies which reflect the the South, North African neighbors and our national security.
ENEA has developed other ideas as part of its "Progettoafrica" \u200b\u200bon the reclamation of the Sahara Desert, as in the case of the Shatt El Djerid Tunisia or the New Valley in Egypt, in the same direction of the proposal Paumier-Rouda presented by the LaRouche movement in France. These projects are key to developing agro-industrial and positive climate for change, yes, man-made.
Water projects in North Africa Transaqua accompany the project to revitalize the Lake Chad and the greening of the Sahel region, in a general vision of pan-African infrastructure development. If these projects will not be implemented with urgency, then we will see the fire soon spread to North Africa to Europe. The shift, however, is not possible without replacing the current bankrupt financial system with a credit system based on the principles of Glass-Steagall, as LaRouche does not tire of repeating.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Uromastyx Breeders In California

From Cairo to Wisconsin, the Glass-Steagall reform now!

(EIR Strategic Alert) - The last few weeks have been characterized by a profound change in the dynamics of global politics. Worldwide, the population rebelled not only against hunger and food price increases, but also against injustice, corruption, oppression and reactionary elites in power. Why, ask, should we accept conditions that rob us of our future?
In 2008, the hunger riots that swept 40 countries were mainly protests against the exorbitant prices of food. In 2011, the riots in North Africa and southwest Asia, but also the recent mass rallies in Wisconsin and Ohio in the United States against the attempt to destroy the unions, are the result of the collapse of global financial system. The people understand that without the freedom in the republic, there will be no food, no hope for the future.
from Algeria to Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Bahrain, until to Wisconsin and Ohio, is an ongoing revolutionary process. Dictatorships and totalitarian systems that have been tolerated for so long are now being rejected, and people are willing to risk their lives to make them fall, when these schemes are incapable of guaranteeing the basic needs of the population. While this process is spreading internationally, the world is faced with two opportunities: either sink into chaos and the new Dark Ages, or replace the financial system with a bankrupt banking system, separating the legitimate from the banking and speculation gambling.
Attempts by the G20, to save the banking system into bankruptcy with the bailouts and the continuous acquisition of toxic securities that are not pumping liquidity into the same system other rotting. But money given to speculators is "invested" in the speculation on raw materials and foodstuffs, leading to uncontrolled price increases.
As requested by Helga Zepp-LaRouche in a statement of 20 February, to prevent price inflation causes uncontrollable political and social consequences "must be immediately adopted controls on food prices and energy, as well as a global standard as Glass-Steagall. " This will protect the commercial banks by resetting the securities business of banks and quarantining the "shadow banking system" denounced by the Commission Angelides the U.S. Congress.

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Renzi vs Bindi

Matteo Renzi is a former young Florentine, with face and hasty boils, low forehead and potato in his mouth in his speech dialect, was born in 1975 and then 36 years old, did the high school Dante in Florence, the scouts, the head scout and also Law, graduated in 1999 with a thesis on Mayor La Pira. She pretended to work very well known in the Child, Arno Rignano company that makes "entertainment, subscriptions and strillonaggio" and more, to the newspapers, it was almost immediately a manager. In 2004 the former "communists" and former "Catholic left" (in Florence always is rewriting) wrench to a safe and successful career management and made him president of the province of Florence, historically and structurally red (now that c ' has passed, calls for its elimination). Then in 2009 they did even the Mayor of Florence: a dream !

Renzi, for some time, if you are taking with the former communists and former Christian Democrats, the Democratic Party, in short, would a young party, relieved by caryatids of the past. Idea and proposed nothing short of brilliant! The latest "targeted" is the poor Rosy Bindi (a bit 'when asked for it, making himself a candidate for prime minister!) Renzi says that with the people who did politics at the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989), the "Democrats" will lose forever. Bindi has 60 years, passed all except maybe the first ten, Catholic Action, white flames, green flames, red flames, and then junior and senior national vice president (1984 - 1989); from 'DC 89 member and then member of the Popular, the Olive and Margaret, and then deputy chairman of the Democratic Party in antiberlusconiana actual permanent service, still at work: one of the pillars of the success of Berlusconi ( for this reason appear to be clever Renzi).

But Renzi (not to change the subject on the relationship brawling in the clerical area, including "Scouting" and "Catholic Action"), we have two small questions:

- saw the young Matthew, adhering to master the Democratic Party, its Sponsor of work and life, to be not only benefit from the "young" Bindi, but mainly by a group of professional politicians, "historical" (Berlin Wall all right!)? Examples? Two at random: D'Alema bears his name in public squares around since 1943, and before his father Joseph, "resistant" from '43, also a member and officer of PCI and PCI senator from 1963 to 1983 and almost immediately replaced by his son Massimo, who entered the House in 1987, after being in the party with his father since 1963, so D'Alema, who made his to elect Renzi (who, lest we forget, beat nientepopodimenoché Giovanni Galli historical Fiorentina goalkeeper, to win the seat of Mayor), governs their policy ... since 1943, or noticed that her other leader, a Catholic this time, Dario Franceschini is not in politics since 2001 (the year of his election as MP), but since before its conception? His father George was deputy DC from 1953 to 1958, when Dario was born: he started with the old and new Catholic militancy in student youth organizations, to arrive at the City Council of Ferrara in 1980, supported by Zaccagnini, and since then, always "Democrat Left "(?), and in all subsequent developments had from this" school of thought, "this just to say that if Renzi is scandalized because Bindi has been there since the Berlin Wall, it must also know that many, many and his fellow party leaders are there for generations, in short there, in the Renzi, and made poor family ...

- realizes the young Matthew that the time will pass for him? After the Municipality and the Province, who will? The Region? And then, the Parliament? The "sent" end soon, can you tell us what will the young Renzi grew up, to not end up like his beloved Bindi? Child returns to the organization, inter alia, "strillonaggio" newspaper, where he seems to have worked for a month, from manager? Will look for a new job? What can do? Put her children "in politics," as D'Alema or Franceschini? One last question

miserable, this time the Mayor Renzi, the young and unsurpassed administrator: if you come from the coast of Livorno and Pisa, via the (highway) TRUCK Fi-Pi-Li, Florence is a destination, the famous, now in world, tramway Scandicci-Santa Maria Novella (the heart of the city) would be useful, you leave the car in the suburbs and you go to the center by tram, simple, no? Mr. Mayor, you forgot one detail: the parking lots! No parking spaces, you can not make the switch auto-trams. Maybe Bindi, as mayor, would have been better than you: by tram (at least ten years of discussion), maybe it was good to think of the car (perhaps before the tram) or do you prefer the mayor of vaudeville, "a lot of noise and little wool," as they say its parts?

Published by 'the West' February 25, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Numeraccio February

There were already 16 posts, so this requires the usual caution!

How To Knit A Hat With A Bill

The EU declares war on Italy: the fundamental interests must succumb to market!

(Il Messaggero)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How Do I Make My Dog's Stool Harder?

Yesterday Feb. 18 arrived two new layers of Civitella della Chiana, one is called Ruby and the other Rosy. Rosie seems to be more talkative, Ruby, more mystical. The Rosi and Binda, who had occupied their house until recently, Berlusca were kidnapped by the fox.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Australia Working As A Bartender In A Strip Club

A happy event, one vote

a head for us is a vote.
For a busy woman, a head
are two votes for a woman and engaged intellectual, one head is three votes.
For a busy woman and pretty intellectual, a head there are four votes.
For a busy woman, intellectual, and pretty "in", one head is five votes
For a busy woman, intellectual, pretty, "in" and moralist, a head there are six votes.

For the latter, an escort is a head, without the right to vote, let alone his client.

Here Concita Unit is considered a head by six votes.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Which Club Has Won The Most Trophies


El que Camina Who walks
if enturbia. s'intorbida.
Tap water ; L'acqua corrente
not see the stars. ; does not see the stars.
El que Camina ; who walks
if Olvida. ; forget
And the one who stands ; E chi if it sounds
ferma sogna. Federico Garcia Lorca

If You Dvr A Show, Does It Count Towards Ratings

Arab revolution?

Revolution: Revolution of cyclamen in Tunisia; tout revolution court in Egypt. But they were "revolutions" or coup d'etat?

Ben Ali, Tunisia, before the suicide of an unemployed graduate, the strike of lawyers, demonstrations of young people, first, pro-government unions, then, accompanied by a growing population and a tam tam media via the Internet, he the gesture to stay and then fled, leaving the power in the hands of the faithful: they, after some initial uncertainty, were against their former President, spreading the note of his ill-gotten gains and his loved ones. Ben Ali seems fixed in Saudi Arabia. Two days before his escape from Obama 'America let it be known that the U.S. was the "people" Tunisian against Ben Ali, the major European countries are queued. Ben Ali, before he became president, had been head of the Tunisian secret services, who had organized the defenestration of the former president, Burguiba, passing a fool, with a medical certificate signed by the health of the armed forces and blessing of all Services West, beginning with the CIA.

few days after he touched the Egyptian Mubarak, who was also former head of secret services. The square, the people, the nobles, the men are let loose in all a great revolutionary ferment. The Americans, by the mouth of Obama, are also here with them, with so-called rebels against Mubarak but there are some strange episodes: the Egyptian armed forces seem confused, neutral and almost have to defend their general chairman, chief U.S. Central Intelligence Agency made to give the resignation of Mubarak, and this, even after six hours of live TV in front of the whole world, does not resign, but it gives new powers to his vice president, Suleiman, former head of the Egyptian services and general friend of the Americans so far estimated, Suleiman confirmed the line of Mubarak, the day after Mubarak, facing the square, which continues to rumble, resigns and gives all powers to the Defence Minister and Chairman of the Board of Governors Armed Forces, his loyal general Marshal Tantawi. Mubarak and Suleiman, General Services, estimated in the West, they fall together, and American people finally seem to be happy. Europe and the United States praise the victory of democracy desired by the people. Of course, Mubarak and his family are also accused of stealing stramiliardi dollars. Now it seems that Mubarak is dying, but this was said for some time.

The incidents in recent months in Tunisia and Egypt appear intricate, it is true that revolutions are always the vanguard, but then the same avant-garde, blasted the "power", to replace him. In these two cases, no. Not only that, all Arab countries are ruled by monarchs or "big powers". In Tunisia and Egypt in the "big powers" come from their intelligence services, who for decades have worked with their Western counterparts, particularly with the American CIA. In other countries in the area (Algeria, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, for example) there were people in the square without striking results at least for now and at the head of their great powers do not seem to be children of respective Services. In short, is the doubt that these "uprisings" are somehow managed by the CIA, with the main objectives (eg Egypt, where Mubarak, 83 years old and ill, was organizing a succession in the family, not like the Americans) and Cover (Tunisia for example, where the power of Ben Ali, who was also old and sick, had become a kind of tyranny of his wife's family, Trabelsi., to be eradicated quickly). In other countries has been facilitated the "moves", but there seems to be never been the same force that the CIA could use in areas managed by its offshoots. Iran is moving well, and there's speech is even more serious if the case does go forward, perhaps all of the issues experienced so far, could be preparing for a new strategic and final jump of the Americans in the Arab world. And the speech would be very complex and full of implications.

from Tunisia and Egypt, some facts emerge, difficult to counteract:

- there were coups, internal to the armed forces, with direct American influence;

- Obama has seemed a more modest actor-writing of others, strategist , master of a democratic international political line (sometimes made even punishment);

- Europe was on the balcony of your own home, without seeming to understand what was happening there before, stammering phrases only understood by the new "democracies" in the making in North Africa (plus time and on facts like these, you can not understand what it's for a "Ministry of Foreign Community) .

Hence at the end of the year likely many papers in the history of these countries will be discovered, and you will understand better what happened in those days. It also will better understand the scope of euphoria displayed by many politicians and opinion from our own, including journalists and intellectuals, on the success of the values \u200b\u200bof our democracies in those regions. Maybe he just did not pretend to understand.

What Kinds Of Wood Can You Use In A Boat

travel to liberalization: the bankers would like to thank the Sexgate

(LPAC) - On the back of an endless series of scandals, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has decided it's time change the subject and to address "the problems of the country." So he announced a new plan for growth, focusing on deregulation of various economic sectors, starting with changes to the Constitution itself. Objective: To free ourselves from too many rules that prevent Italy from taking flight. The response of the Pd Pierluigi Bersani was not long in coming: but such liberalization? The real ones I made myself, and now they propose even more. In short, it triggered a race to be more liberal, all in favor of "growth" economy.
The reality is that this race favors only the political and financial interests of the City of London and Brussels, and their promoters in Italy. As we wrote after the split of the majority in last fall, the battle is part of the Italian political scenario designed for high level and obvious to anyone who wanted to look up from the swamp of daily clashes: the creation of an executive who can implement an emergency program modeled after the savage austerity plans announced and launched Greece, Ireland, Great Britain and France. Financial markets require blood and tears, otherwise speculative attacks on government bonds will resume any time, with a single currency, which is approaching its end. So the citizens such as a new wave of bailouts for those who have speculated, the true target of stabilization programs in Europe. Together the cuts will
the famous "structural reforms" that translated into real terms will lead to further privatization and liberalization, eliminating the protections of citizens in the face of speculative interests. Montezemolo will ensure profits high speed, such as Benetton have taken those highways. Follow municipal utilities, water, energy and everything else, some already under way in recent years. How to teach Britain and the United States, deregulation is the precondition for the looting by private interests, not for efficiency, which is instead made investments in infrastructure and high technology.
So far, the Berlusconi government has been unreliable in implementing the program required free, partly because of a Minister of the Economy which, while imposing a strict line with regard to public finances, constantly seeking ways to rebuild ' real economy through infrastructure projects and the demand for an international reform that separates the real assets from those speculative, because Tremonti immediately challenged the new plan Berlusconi, provoking the wrath of the true promoter, Giuliano Ferrara.
Now Berlusconi Bersani seems to have decided to satisfy the bankers in advance to avoid them having to dirty your hands manipulating the Italian political context. They want the free acceleration? We give it, so let's show how good we are and maybe we can keep / get positions of power.
While in the United States Commission of Inquiry into the crisis (FCIC) led by Phil Angelides published a critical report, indicating the repeal of Glass-Steagall (the separation between commercial banks and banks) and deregulation in general as the causes of economic and financial collapse in recent years, in Italy you want to embrace the disease rather than cure it. The bankers are laughing really.
To help counter the madness of those who believe that deregulation is the source of economic growth (which now seems thesis written statement in the DNA of the establishment, despite its proven fallacy) LPAC proposes to read the excellent study by Claudio Giudici of 2008 on the issue of privatization and deregulation in Italy, showing how the shock given to the Italian economy in the nineties began with the Amato and Ciampi governments (as claimed by some characters in these days) actually has dealt a blow to the industrial fabric and the sovereignty of the country. Do we really want to repeat this experience, for fear of antagonizing the powers that be at the international level?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Anemia Of Iron Defficency

aims to stop more than Berlusconi Tremonti! Angelides

During the Ecofin of 18 January, Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti said, "is emerging In essence the argument (advanced by Italy) and in many cases is the "criticality" of the financial sector have led to the crisis of sovereign debt of some countries, Greece and Ireland in the lead . Tremonti once again criticizes the financial system and banks, with an emphasis on the fact that we can not act on the public debt - which meant cuts in health spending, education, infrastructure development, security - without parallel to reform the financial system. Indeed, he stresses that a country such as Ireland did not have a problem of public debt, but this came only after the bank bailouts. And all this we could tell from a politically and morally privileged position: Italy has not had to practice rescues of national banks, and has handled the crisis while maintaining the annual public expenditure, in relation to GDP, to levels much low compared to other European and transatlantic. But what may be considered a position outside the box, outside the global politico-economic orthodoxy, noted for its uniqueness, like the one with more courage and leadership among all the G8 countries and the European Union by at least 2008 (already in the months before the outbreak of violence in all its most serious economic and financial crisis since 1929), has been systematically undermined the credibility that the Berlusconi government was losing because of a trickle of inquiries on the basis of sex scandals that have primarily involved in the Italian prime minister.
In full acceleration of the financial crisis - evident when looking at hyperinflation which covers raw materials -, Italy could play a major role, because the leadership shown by Tremonti would further strength in other Italian initiatives in the right direction: the proposal of the former Minister of ' Industry, prof. Paolo Savona, exit the euro, and the numerous resolutions to reform the international financial system approved last year by the Italian Parliament with cross-cutting majorities (things for which the LaRouche movement has played a key role). This, in spite of that form of compromise with the monetary system, which are the Eurobond Tremonti, in fact, what we need is far more radical rupture with the monetary system and the move towards national credit, as only through the sovereign credit we have the return of the primacy of the political powers on financial and real economic recovery. In fact, in this respect, one can detect a great paradox: because of the blackmail of the international finance against any country (including Italy), which threatens to set off speculation against the bonds at any time, Tremonti was forced to continue policy of "stability pact" European tax by those who would oppose.
The crisis, in particular, was reflecting on two fronts where Italy, more than others, could and should point of reference for the resolution of the same: the crisis in the euro area (Greece, Ireland, the criticality of the situation in Portugal and Spain) and the South-Mediterranean and Middle East (Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Libya, Jordan, Yemen). Within the Eurosystem, Italy is promoting a reform of the Stability Pact, with the aim to loosen the noose represented by public debt, aware that without the possibility of investing in infrastructure without incurring the welfare, it is not possible to see any real recovery. In parallel, extra-European level, complaint and it suggests the need to reform the entire international financial system to submit to stringent controls speculation. Area on the south Mediterranean, Italy is Lebanon's main trading partner, second largest trading partner of Tunisia, Algeria and Egypt, and the third partner in Morocco, while Jordan is the second partner of the European Union . From all this we can appreciate the interest that Italy has for this area and what it might mean, because of antagonists, an Italy have completely destabilized and focused - both in its ruling class that in its opinion - on scandals at least have a secondary importance compared to the geo-strategic and economic.
On the other hand, when February 7, 1992, was signed the Treaty of Maastricht, just ten days later, the former public prosecutor Antonio Di Pietro, asked and obtained an arrest warrant for the engineer Mario Chiesa , thus launching the season Tangentopoli . What is certainly the most important international agreement signed by Italy after the war, with consequences that in fact have no real economic sovereignty by subjecting it to poison the parameters of the Stability Pact was dissolved in rooms, with a Government in prorogatio , and with a limited discussion of the chaos of an investigation court which had clear political objectives. Among other things, the government fell and the Chambers were dissolved in a rather strange situation, 2 February 1992 (then just five days before that important signature). Il Corriere della Sera called the process of dissolution " if not abnormal, at least unusual ", and the President of the Republic, Francesco Cossiga - that was the only great leader not involved in DC by the season of "Clean Hands - justification by these ambiguous words: "I dissolved before the expiry of the Chambers did not work and why they removed the legitimacy of institutions ... I think come the magic moment morally to renew our political system, in order to refound the Republic with a new national pact .
This reference should not be considered inappropriate, because what is happening today in Italy is considered a continuation of that season interdiction of political and economic national sovereignty, without heavy intervention of the judiciary against the then ruling class, would never have begun. Today, the bulwark against that Italy has continuation of the season is represented primarily by Tremonti, and the easiest way to bring it down is to hit what may prove to be absolute weaknesses in Silvio Berlusconi. But Tremonti is a danger that the financial oligarchy, as already mentioned, is not limited only to Italy, but it can have repercussions internationally.
On the other hand, they are having riots in the South Mediterranean and Middle East, far from being a mere protest against political and economic patterns typical of that area, are the result of economic hardships to get systems despotic whether created under the conditioning of the followers of financial globalization. The profound economic and social crisis is the product of neoliberal policies imposed by the IMF and the European Union. Already deprived of food security, these countries have been hit hard by rising prices goods since 2007 and now has re-acceleration in excess of the levels of the riots of 2008. In the case of Tunisia (but also Egypt and Morocco) collusion is obvious. Over twenty years of cooperation between Tunisia and the World Bank and IMF led to high unemployment, even among the less educated. A World Bank report notes that the number of young unemployed graduates has nearly tripled in 10 years, from 121,800 in 1996-97 to 336,000 in 2006-2007. Driven by international institutions, EU and France, the government has made "reforms" such as privatization of infrastructure and industries (including ports, steel and mining companies), the elimination of duties the liberalization of exports, the devaluation of the currency, the opening of the labor market to foreign companies that employ low-wage labor force in Tunisia, to produce spare parts for cars and clothing. Tunisia was the first North African country to conclude the FTA with the EU (1995) which allowed the application of these radical neo-liberal policies.
E 'also consider that destabilization is undergoing internal Italian politics, through the attacks on the People of Freedom in the figure of Berlusconi, has already affected the Democratic Party in its wing dalemiana, also hit by a series of investigations that have weakened strongly the party. The PD, in fact, has been devoid of leadership that could have, and drifting at the mercy of continuous Jacobin demagogic and non-functional in the national interest.
In this situation, the Italian policy must be careful not to get drawn into the overall strategy of chaos involving Italy, and rather be able to put the interests for a true reform of international financial operations, and for the development of the poorest areas of the planet. With this in mind: a new Bretton Woods and the proposal of Professor. Savona to escape the euro, and the "blue revolution" in North Africa, capable of providing water and infrastructure basis, can and should be the cornerstone of a policy that programs should find the dignity to return to govern the states, rather than being consistently one of the many elements dictated by financial interests.

Claudio Giudici

Wholesale Chicken Wings Pa


Today February 10, 2011, the French judges are "strike," oohp! not to "abstain from hearing" because it seems that the strike is not possible for them, and then does the vernacular. This abstention is already lasted several days and seemed disposed to take even more. Matter of the litigation? Presto said.

On 19 January, disappeared from Pornic, Laetitia, a beautiful eighteen year old girl and solar energy, given in trust to a family and a waitress in a bar. He was arrested, with all the evidence is conclusive, a pluripregiudicato, who had made thirteen years in prison for crimes similar and was out under judicial supervision: he was released from prison about a year before, had been denounced by his own family, for violence, not once but seven times, and had been issued against a request summons for the theft of a car. No, he had always been left free to do what he wanted. And so it seems that the "secured for Reintegration wanted to massacre the poor Laetitia, also cutting it into pieces, some of which were found in a pond a few days ago. These are the facts.

On 3 February, the President Sarkozy said: "When you get out of jail a person as the alleged perpetrator, without ensuring which is followed by a "mentor to Reintegration, you make a mistake. Those who have covered or made this mistake will be punished. "

uproar: the first prosecutor in Nantes, Pornic on the relevant area, and then all the prosecution and then the judges and then the senior judges, and then throughout the judiciary have closed like a clam to defend any court of crimes against Pornic Sarkozy's words and intentions, of course, the shot is moved, the judges make mistakes or fail because of the lack of "resources" ("'Vain' tell Livorno), and then strike against the government (always" thief "), is not responsible for the tragedy Laetitia.

Even in France has opened the abyss of questions, which are summarized into one: there were errors of magistrates or police officers in Pornic? That is, the tragedy could be avoided by Laetitia? That is, the judge who is wrong is responsible for his mistake? And if so, who decides whether or not he was wrong, just as serene look to the decisions of caste in self-management? Not only that specific event on the French magistrates introduce a further element of doubt atrocious, if not born of their need for self-defense: they say that in all cases at least 5% of offenders commit more crimes, they are sick and the company must take note; ie, monitoring or not, they will continue to commit a crime. In short, the judges declare that a few hundred sexual predators, repeat offenders known and are ready to kill, now, now (plus a few thousand less well-known), and the state can not do anything. Beautiful view to the civilized France, in the civilized Europe! In fact, things WOULD BE so if everyone did their duty, prosecutors and judicial police, the crime of Pornic on the shortcomings were huge, and a great cloud of dust behind celarle guild (apparently they're moving in the same way for the cops ) does not seem the best solution. At the bar the other night said, "... they want more money and staff; well divide their wages for two and doubling the workforce, much of "'Vain' (des sous) it would take too many ...." Not so, of course, but perhaps these corporations should be a little 'bow their heads before the people and democracy, "Republican", as they say in France. They can not forget that their job is done "in the name of the people." Even if the political people, in polls, Sarkozy is now giving wrong for 65% (in fact, his overall rating is also much lower than this 35%, that is)! A bit 'to sessantottino French magistrates have put behind the clerks, clerks and messengers of the judiciary; Commissioners and employees of police lawyers, teachers and, of course, but still lacking a bit 'of students.

As can be seen around the world over. The management of justice and especially the professional responsibilities of the courts remained open to all democracies in the world. There are no easy solutions, but it is also impossible that people can entrust their freedoms and their judicial systems to caste of "untouchables", one of the fundamental pillars of the rule of law is collapsing.

publlico from "the 'West' Feb. 10, 2011

Hydrogen Peroxide Discolor Of The Face

Value: the crisis could be avoided!

(LPAC) - On 27 January 2011 the Commission of Inquiry into the crisis created by the U.S. Congress in 2009 to establish the causes of the financial crash of 2007 -2008, made history. Its report, known as Value for Angelides by the name of the Commission President, Philip Angelides, gives a remarkably accurate job of ten years deregulation of banking, "shadow banking" and speculation in financial derivatives that led to global collapse. Stresses that the repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, after the Federal Reserve had adopted all measures to weaken the nineties, was a central factor in causing the collapse.
For those who have followed in recent decades, Lyndon LaRouche, the findings and the history of the relationship Angelides are not a surprise. In fact, LaRouche had consistently warned that the measures are denounced in the report, proposing an alternative policy, which had been rejected by "experts" and financial authorities.
In Weekly Report of Feb. 2 to LPAC-TV, LaRouche noted that "this is the first official report published by an organization commissioned by the U.S. government, which publishes the general truth about the recent economic history of the United States." Although the solution does not require, the Commission's study Angelides indicates that the main errors were committed, said LaRouche, which is essential to exit the current chaos.
For those who continue to argue that the crash was unforeseeable, the conclusions of the report states unequivocally: "We conclude that this financial crisis could be avoided. The crisis was the result of human actions and omissions, not Mother Nature or models computing crazy. The captains of finance and our system financial ignored the warnings and were not able to question, understand and manage risk evolution of a system essential to the welfare of the American public. Theirs has been a serious failure, not a false move ... a crisis of this magnitude should not occur. To paraphrase Shakespeare, the fault lies not in the stars but in ourselves. "FCIC
The Commission correctly indicates that more than 30 years of deregulation and self-reliance of financial institutions, commissioned by former Federal Reserve Governor Alan Greenspan and by others, supported by successive administrations and Congress, and actively promoted by the powerful financial industry at every step, eliminated protection keys, which would have helped to avert catastrophe. This approach has given way to the loopholes in the supervision of certain critical areas with trillions of dollars at risk, as the shadow banking system and markets for OTC derivatives (over-the-counter). Moreover, the government has allowed financial firms to choose the inspectorate that has become a favorite in a race to the supervisor weaker.
The report is devastating for the Federal Reserve and other supervisory agencies, credit rating agencies and the same financial institutions. In fact, corruption was pervasive throughout the system. It lists such figures spree in bribes and money to lobby for Wall Street that were in Washington to make sure that the law was repealed Glass-Steagall, arguing that the supervisory agencies "did not have the political will" to scrutinize and involve the institutions that were required to monitor, and report that the financial industry has spent at least 2, 7 billion dollars for lobbying between 1999 and 2008, over one billion dollars in campaign contributions from figures linked to Wall Street. The report also notes that the real economy has suffered due to excess growth of the financial sector.
The conclusion of the introduction is a battle cry implied more than two years after the federal government's unprecedented intervention in financial markets, "the Our financial system is in many respects, still unchanged from that which existed on the eve of the crisis. In fact, in the wake of the crisis, the U.S. financial sector is even more concentrated in the hands of a few large institutions systemically significant ".
" Even if we were asked to make recommendations on what policy to adopt the goal of our report is to give an account of what happened in order to decide a new course ... would be the greatest tragedy if we accept that the chorus was not possible to foresee the crisis and therefore could not have been doing nothing. If we accept this notion, the crisis will be repeated. "
The Committee LaRouche political (LPAC) has launched a mobilization to "restore the Glass-Steagall Act," using the relationship Angelides to raise hundreds of members of parliament and provide them with valuable ammunition in the battle to force Congress to implement a general reorganization of banking. The report, which fully confirms the warnings of LaRouche and his movement, widely circulated at the national level as a paperback book.
At the same time the bold offensive public Phil Angelides and the opposition of the Republicans have kept alive the attention of the committee on its findings. Darrell Issa, Republican chairman of the Commission on the Protection and Government Reform, Spencer Bachus, Chairman Finance Committee, and Patrick Henry, chairman of the Banking Committee have asked that it be posted on FCIC's budget, its records of expenditure, those of the staff, and more than 400,000 internal emails. In a letter to President Angelides, argue that if the Commission was guilty of four Republican members have had to distance himself from the conclusions of the report that the repeal of Glass-Steagall contributed to the crash.
The Republican counterattack is attracting even more attention to the relationship of the FCIC, awaiting the moment when the President of the Commission to testify Angelides Bachus February 16. On February 2, were published in several attacks on Republican members "dissidents" of the committee, including an Hon. Brad Miller, Democrat of the committee. Professor William Black, a former banking regulator, in a complaint to the Mortgage Investor newsletter Commissioner "dissident" Peter Wallisson American Enterprise Institute, for his serious conflicts of interest as he was promoting deregulation when he was adviser to the President Reagan, and Wall Street banker himself.
reply in writing to Issa and others, Angelides argues that the FCIC is expected to conclude its work on February 13, and that the staff that is working to collect historical documents of the Committee for the National Archives. Adds that has neither the staff nor the funds necessary to meet the massive demands of Republicans (ironically, one of the charges Hon. Issa is just that the FCIC would have spent too much money).
Meanwhile Angelides has granted several interviews, pointing the finger at what the report calls the "shadow banking system" in 2008 has come to exceed the size of the regulated banking system (13 trillion to 11 trillion dollars over the regulated system ), with its protections and the elimination of the wall provided by the Glass-Steagall.
imparting Brian Lehrer on WNYC, Angelides urged listeners to download and read the report of the FCIC explaining why it is so important. He said having to do with the financial industry all his life, and that he was "appalled" and "dumbfounded" by what he learned during this investigation.
"Our financial system has gone from a system that would support the real economy (businesses, creating jobs, creating wealth for the country) to a system designed only to make money, financial engineering just , to the great detriment of the country ... it's all there is a story that will stand the test of time. " In an interview with CNBC
Angelides points out that the same risk factors of the crash of 2008 are still there, and that the crisis could then be repeated. Reports that the "rapids sales "of the report format paperback book is proof that Americans have a great need to find out what happened and how to prevent it happening again.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Can You Tattoo Over Kp

Berlusconi and judges: those "for" Berlusconi

for Berlusconi are those who suffered the coup of 1990-1994, not only those who suffered physically (thousands of persons arrested, detained, warned, investigated, harassed, fired, marginalized and exposed to public ridicule, and their "dear" ), but also most of the voters of those parties that were actually "loose" through the courts (Liberals, Christian Democrats, Social Democrats, Republicans and Socialists), have passed twenty years? The ideas of those parties have been, were still living and many of their voters, and then there are the children and children's children, who knew of junk made in those years and then vote against the creators and authors of coup, and then to Berlusconi.

are for Berlusconi's former MSI, now National-Liberal 90-94 after the coup could not be with their co-coup plotters and even with the justice-party

for Berlusconi are the "people", those who want to hear policy with the common words, they see politics and politicians with a certain indifference as normal people, rich or poor.

are many gossippari for Berlusconi, the TV voyeurs, those who love gossip and the news, soap operas looking up to chat, comment, new trends or fashion.

are for Berlusconi and his companies led the large systems they produce through the media, and no he never talked about unions or social conflicts in Berlusconi's companies: they are one body, wherever and for whatever you occupy.

for Berlusconi are the worlds of entertainment and variety of "light".

E 'for Berlusconi majority of the people of small and medium sized businesses, entrepreneurs, artisans, shopkeepers, but also workers and employees, an enemy of the people and anti-fogies or bureaucrats who are religious, a nation of "sinners".

for Berlusconi are many middle-class professionals,

for Berlusconi are many liberal intellectuals, also recovered from the fascist right.

for Berlusconi are many athletes, who consider life a challenge to be overcome in the competition.

for Berlusconi are many "secular," libertarians, who reject the doctrines and fundamentalism.

are for Berlusconi, by contrast, many conservative Catholics.

for Berlusconi are libertarians who see him as a victim "sacrificial" (with its stake, it solves everything God wants it): the fiercely provocative "anti", it creates an "pro", even if only for controversy .

for Berlusconi are the victims of the judicial systems of some or misjudgments, with all the direct and indirect implications that they pose. So the

' "Man" alone is estimated to collect about 30% of the vote, which means that, however, we see things today in the Italian parliamentary democracy, he is decisive. Even the "pro - against" the person stronger. Continuing on this path not a political one aimed at the person, "against" are destined to lose. They would lose even if they physically eliminated, for his heirs would have provided a fortress, then, impregnable. There are only two roads because of the coalition "against" may exceed that of the "for". The first is the politics of it and made no proposals, but also made up of ideas, designs Of actual projects (not demagogic, mystical, abstract) that unify the caravanserai called "left" (plus no soul socialist history of "justice and freedom" that today, mainly for libertarians, it is with Berlusconi). The other is that Berlusconi is tired and withdraws, or is convinced to retire with a playground more fun!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Kindan - Secret Garden Manga

: those "against"

am against, the former Italian Communists, which are not few, if there are no grandparents, there are fathers and children, and children's children. Devised between 90 and 94 a system that would take them directly to the Government, by court removed the parliamentary majority. They changed the name, usurped the ideas of socialists and social democrats, long after they mocked and then imprisoned, and began the joyous war machine. We are talking about a force that was worth at that time about one third of the electorate Italian. Having done away with parties that had about 50% of the electoral consensus, they faced a highway for the coveted seats and chairs, including folding. The horrible Berlusconi prevented them. They tried to make a judicial incli also to eliminate him (the author of this incli course is no longer a judge, but sits with them in Parliament ), But failed. The most Machiavellian of their group (which also goes for being the most intelligent, without ever having shown) even tried, under the table, to find, with this strange and sudden Berlusconi, any agreement, without success. So now they are all united against him, he first person, even politics. To "save" Italy must reduce him, Berlusconi after cinghialone Craxi, here's the Dirty Berlusconi.

am against those that appear as the fundamentalist Catholics. They were the first republic called "Democratic Left", then only took care of chairs, their policies were only stunts records: most times even incomprehensible. But the communists in 1990, to launch their coup, they needed someone, not theirs, that accompany them, in DC took home the "left", which moreover had the advantage of the name. These fundamentalists have followed and also cross-promoted all anti-Berlusconi. They lack only the cry "Burn" then a new war ethical obscurantism could easily be started, with their "Pauline", moreover, there have been ... neighbors. Berlusconi, a manifest sinner and enriched arrogant, seems made for the stake.

am against, the bustle of the "left" ; In many Western countries are the purest, most abstract and even more profits to their opponents. This lively, popular-often from the lexicon or provocative or even completely and perhaps deliberately incomprehensible (to cover proposals and ideas that are not there or are equal to those of others), swing their importance in an electoral area has always been them, the protesters, with implications anarchist "revolutionary".

am against, the justice-and those who fly with the robes of handcuffs and made their fortune, took part in the coup, many of them they were the architects, they also hoped to have much more substantial than rewards had, in terms of power, armchairs and garege; their proposed policy is simple, respect for the law, and particularly the Judiciary, which is infallible. Through the judiciary have a network of relationships. They built a Berlusconi outlaw, and live on this, try to also deal with the rest, but not even believe it too.

am against those who call themselves "core" (center compared to what, in which opposing ideas?) They would only have the place of the enemy Berlusconi, perhaps with his votes, or return to a proportional electoral system, to try to be even a few votes, the balance, among them are former Christian Democrats, former MSI, co-authors of the coup of 90-94 with the ex-communists, and various opportunists who hope to always be decisive.

am against, the salons of the 'intelligentsia', as the diversity elite (artistic, literary, mass-media, professional and "neo-entrepreneurial") that Plato would have called the salons of the "aristocracy" modern "; ago to "be against a Bausch, who presents himself as a populist Wasteland (and perhaps it is also, in every way it reads to perfection), as a man affected by education, learned, as a violator of the bon ton, joyful and irreverent; like a scrooge accustomed to its castles and its rules, not prone to the climate of living of others, so-called "chic", which is a lot of hypocrisy and lack of real detail.
Finally, those who make profession of "the antiberlusconismo" is a job that pays off and that has many adherents, does not require training or knowledge, or projects, or proposals, and requires only information about the enemy and large ability to insult, provocation, promotion and management of the brawl. These are usually people with Berlusconi won the lottery, their cries against Berlusconi, have been and are among the most effective for its strengthening; and maybe they know it too, but tend mainly to their profession and therefore also in their own pockets.

All these are the "obvious against, with always the same arguments, most of the time screaming and then there are" against "silent", which does not espouse the views of any of the obvious, but against Berlusconi.

All of this applies to the pollsters caravanserai not more than 45% of Italian voters, will not it?