Sunday, February 6, 2011

Percentagemuscle Women

Deregulation is the cause of the crisis, not an engine of growth!

February 4, 2011 (LPAC) - After weeks of debate on the shameful scandal Ruby finally is back to talk about the economy. He did the same Berlusconi, presenting its "liberal" to serve as a stimulus to economic growth (3 to 4% according to what he said). Cornered by scandals, courts and numerous calls for the resignation, Berlusconi turned to the PD and Bersani proposing a bipartisan agreement on the measures proposed by him, to save his government. The proposals for deregulation of Berlusconi come, ironically, just days after the publication of the much-awaited report of the Commission of Inquiry into the crisis of the U.S. Congress, also known as Value for Angelides by the name of the Commission President, Phil Angelides. The report
Angelides fully confirms what LaRouche and denounce our movement since 1997: the crisis of 2007 was caused by the very deregulation that Berlusconi (and its "Jiminy Cricket" liberal, Giuliano Ferrara) both rely on, and the systematic repeal since 1987, all the regulations introduced by the Glass-Steagall, the law or ordered by Roosevelt in 1933 to end the Great Depression separating investment banks 'business by commercial banks. It is therefore not the "state" the problem of the Italian economy, and world, rather than the total absence of the state economy, which leaves the field open to speculation, real cause of rising oil prices, the petrol, food, and Weimar-style hyperinflation.
As LaRouche has been saying for years, only the restoration of the Glass-Steagall Act, in United States as in Europe, and large infrastructure projects (such as NAWAPA the Transaqua, the Eurasian land bridge) can stimulate real economic growth. Not deregulation, not the abolition of Article 41 of our Constitution. It is here that we measure the leadership of the left, from the PD Bersani, who rather than be party to Arcore could finally prove his ability to govern. Should accept the proposal of a pact for the country, but changing the content. If you addivenisse a good program on the left and this was applied in practice, the voters reward the authors would know. The alternative is the escalation of a confrontation between the Guelphs and Ghibellines that is tearing the country, who, after leaving Italy in a ruined institution, you procrastinate on long after the disappearance of Berlusconi.
Italy, like the whole world needs a Roosevelt capable of taking over the reins of the economy, and credit, instead of leaving all decisions on Wall Street, the City of London, banking group Inter- Alpha and the European Central Bank. Of course, decisions are not taken to Rome, but in Washington, and with Obama taking orders from the City of London and Wall Street, the New Deal Roosevelt seems far away. But Italy can and must contribute to this discussion, in what used to be called the "corridors of power," from the U.S. Congress. The report Angelides will kick off the Roosevelt measures proposed by LaRouche from his six candidates for the U.S. Congress. LaRouche was also heard on this subject by the Italian Parliament in June 2009 giving rise to a way out of crisis (see ). Always at the Italian Parliament was submitted two motions for a Glass-Steagall Act, the first in the Senate (by Sen. Oskar Peterlini) and the second in the House (Mr. Catia Polidori ). This is the business plan "bipartisan", which should discuss, to boost employment and avoid a crisis in Greek here too, not deregulation!
Liliana Gorini, President of LPAC


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