During the Ecofin of 18 January, Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti said, "is emerging In essence the argument (advanced by Italy) and in many cases is the "criticality" of the financial sector have led to the crisis of sovereign debt of some countries, Greece and Ireland in the lead . Tremonti once again criticizes the financial system and banks, with an emphasis on the fact that we can not act on the public debt - which meant cuts in health spending, education, infrastructure development, security - without parallel to reform the financial system. Indeed, he stresses that a country such as Ireland did not have a problem of public debt, but this came only after the bank bailouts. And all this we could tell from a politically and morally privileged position: Italy has not had to practice rescues of national banks, and has handled the crisis while maintaining the annual public expenditure, in relation to GDP, to levels much low compared to other European and transatlantic. But what may be considered a position outside the box, outside the global politico-economic orthodoxy, noted for its uniqueness, like the one with more courage and leadership among all the G8 countries and the European Union by at least 2008 (already in the months before the outbreak of violence in all its most serious economic and financial crisis since 1929), has been systematically undermined the credibility that the Berlusconi government was losing because of a trickle of inquiries on the basis of sex scandals that have primarily involved in the Italian prime minister.
In full acceleration of the financial crisis - evident when looking at hyperinflation which covers raw materials -, Italy could play a major role, because the leadership shown by Tremonti would further strength in other Italian initiatives in the right direction: the proposal of the former Minister of ' Industry, prof. Paolo Savona, exit the euro, and the numerous resolutions to reform the international financial system approved last year by the Italian Parliament with cross-cutting majorities (things for which the LaRouche movement has played a key role). This, in spite of that form of compromise with the monetary system, which are the Eurobond Tremonti, in fact, what we need is far more radical rupture with the monetary system and the move towards national credit, as only through the sovereign credit we have the return of the primacy of the political powers on financial and real economic recovery. In fact, in this respect, one can detect a great paradox: because of the blackmail of the international finance against any country (including Italy), which threatens to set off speculation against the bonds at any time, Tremonti was forced to continue policy of "stability pact" European tax by those who would oppose.
The crisis, in particular, was reflecting on two fronts where Italy, more than others, could and should point of reference for the resolution of the same: the crisis in the euro area (Greece, Ireland, the criticality of the situation in Portugal and Spain) and the South-Mediterranean and Middle East (Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Libya, Jordan, Yemen). Within the Eurosystem, Italy is promoting a reform of the Stability Pact, with the aim to loosen the noose represented by public debt, aware that without the possibility of investing in infrastructure without incurring the welfare, it is not possible to see any real recovery. In parallel, extra-European level, complaint and it suggests the need to reform the entire international financial system to submit to stringent controls speculation. Area on the south Mediterranean, Italy is Lebanon's main trading partner, second largest trading partner of Tunisia, Algeria and Egypt, and the third partner in Morocco, while Jordan is the second partner of the European Union . From all this we can appreciate the interest that Italy has for this area and what it might mean, because of antagonists, an Italy have completely destabilized and focused - both in its ruling class that in its opinion - on scandals at least have a secondary importance compared to the geo-strategic and economic.
On the other hand, when February 7, 1992, was signed the Treaty of Maastricht, just ten days later, the former public prosecutor Antonio Di Pietro, asked and obtained an arrest warrant for the engineer Mario Chiesa , thus launching the season Tangentopoli . What is certainly the most important international agreement signed by Italy after the war, with consequences that in fact have no real economic sovereignty by subjecting it to poison the parameters of the Stability Pact was dissolved in rooms, with a Government in prorogatio , and with a limited discussion of the chaos of an investigation court which had clear political objectives. Among other things, the government fell and the Chambers were dissolved in a rather strange situation, 2 February 1992 (then just five days before that important signature). Il Corriere della Sera called the process of dissolution " if not abnormal, at least unusual ", and the President of the Republic, Francesco Cossiga - that was the only great leader not involved in DC by the season of "Clean Hands - justification by these ambiguous words: "I dissolved before the expiry of the Chambers did not work and why they removed the legitimacy of institutions ... I think come the magic moment morally to renew our political system, in order to refound the Republic with a new national pact .
This reference should not be considered inappropriate, because what is happening today in Italy is considered a continuation of that season interdiction of political and economic national sovereignty, without heavy intervention of the judiciary against the then ruling class, would never have begun. Today, the bulwark against that Italy has continuation of the season is represented primarily by Tremonti, and the easiest way to bring it down is to hit what may prove to be absolute weaknesses in Silvio Berlusconi. But Tremonti is a danger that the financial oligarchy, as already mentioned, is not limited only to Italy, but it can have repercussions internationally.
On the other hand, they are having riots in the South Mediterranean and Middle East, far from being a mere protest against political and economic patterns typical of that area, are the result of economic hardships to get systems despotic whether created under the conditioning of the followers of financial globalization. The profound economic and social crisis is the product of neoliberal policies imposed by the IMF and the European Union. Already deprived of food security, these countries have been hit hard by rising prices goods since 2007 and now has re-acceleration in excess of the levels of the riots of 2008. In the case of Tunisia (but also Egypt and Morocco) collusion is obvious. Over twenty years of cooperation between Tunisia and the World Bank and IMF led to high unemployment, even among the less educated. A World Bank report notes that the number of young unemployed graduates has nearly tripled in 10 years, from 121,800 in 1996-97 to 336,000 in 2006-2007. Driven by international institutions, EU and France, the government has made "reforms" such as privatization of infrastructure and industries (including ports, steel and mining companies), the elimination of duties the liberalization of exports, the devaluation of the currency, the opening of the labor market to foreign companies that employ low-wage labor force in Tunisia, to produce spare parts for cars and clothing. Tunisia was the first North African country to conclude the FTA with the EU (1995) which allowed the application of these radical neo-liberal policies.
E 'also consider that destabilization is undergoing internal Italian politics, through the attacks on the People of Freedom in the figure of Berlusconi, has already affected the Democratic Party in its wing dalemiana, also hit by a series of investigations that have weakened strongly the party. The PD, in fact, has been devoid of leadership that could have, and drifting at the mercy of continuous Jacobin demagogic and non-functional in the national interest.
In this situation, the Italian policy must be careful not to get drawn into the overall strategy of chaos involving Italy, and rather be able to put the interests for a true reform of international financial operations, and for the development of the poorest areas of the planet. With this in mind: a new Bretton Woods and the proposal of Professor. Savona to escape the euro, and the "blue revolution" in North Africa, capable of providing water and infrastructure basis, can and should be the cornerstone of a policy that programs should find the dignity to return to govern the states, rather than being consistently one of the many elements dictated by financial interests.
Claudio Giudici
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