Tuesday, February 15, 2011

If You Dvr A Show, Does It Count Towards Ratings

Arab revolution?

Revolution: Revolution of cyclamen in Tunisia; tout revolution court in Egypt. But they were "revolutions" or coup d'etat?

Ben Ali, Tunisia, before the suicide of an unemployed graduate, the strike of lawyers, demonstrations of young people, first, pro-government unions, then, accompanied by a growing population and a tam tam media via the Internet, he the gesture to stay and then fled, leaving the power in the hands of the faithful: they, after some initial uncertainty, were against their former President, spreading the note of his ill-gotten gains and his loved ones. Ben Ali seems fixed in Saudi Arabia. Two days before his escape from Obama 'America let it be known that the U.S. was the "people" Tunisian against Ben Ali, the major European countries are queued. Ben Ali, before he became president, had been head of the Tunisian secret services, who had organized the defenestration of the former president, Burguiba, passing a fool, with a medical certificate signed by the health of the armed forces and blessing of all Services West, beginning with the CIA.

few days after he touched the Egyptian Mubarak, who was also former head of secret services. The square, the people, the nobles, the men are let loose in all a great revolutionary ferment. The Americans, by the mouth of Obama, are also here with them, with so-called rebels against Mubarak but there are some strange episodes: the Egyptian armed forces seem confused, neutral and almost have to defend their general chairman, chief U.S. Central Intelligence Agency made to give the resignation of Mubarak, and this, even after six hours of live TV in front of the whole world, does not resign, but it gives new powers to his vice president, Suleiman, former head of the Egyptian services and general friend of the Americans so far estimated, Suleiman confirmed the line of Mubarak, the day after Mubarak, facing the square, which continues to rumble, resigns and gives all powers to the Defence Minister and Chairman of the Board of Governors Armed Forces, his loyal general Marshal Tantawi. Mubarak and Suleiman, General Services, estimated in the West, they fall together, and American people finally seem to be happy. Europe and the United States praise the victory of democracy desired by the people. Of course, Mubarak and his family are also accused of stealing stramiliardi dollars. Now it seems that Mubarak is dying, but this was said for some time.

The incidents in recent months in Tunisia and Egypt appear intricate, it is true that revolutions are always the vanguard, but then the same avant-garde, blasted the "power", to replace him. In these two cases, no. Not only that, all Arab countries are ruled by monarchs or "big powers". In Tunisia and Egypt in the "big powers" come from their intelligence services, who for decades have worked with their Western counterparts, particularly with the American CIA. In other countries in the area (Algeria, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, for example) there were people in the square without striking results at least for now and at the head of their great powers do not seem to be children of respective Services. In short, is the doubt that these "uprisings" are somehow managed by the CIA, with the main objectives (eg Egypt, where Mubarak, 83 years old and ill, was organizing a succession in the family, not like the Americans) and Cover (Tunisia for example, where the power of Ben Ali, who was also old and sick, had become a kind of tyranny of his wife's family, Trabelsi., to be eradicated quickly). In other countries has been facilitated the "moves", but there seems to be never been the same force that the CIA could use in areas managed by its offshoots. Iran is moving well, and there's speech is even more serious if the case does go forward, perhaps all of the issues experienced so far, could be preparing for a new strategic and final jump of the Americans in the Arab world. And the speech would be very complex and full of implications.

from Tunisia and Egypt, some facts emerge, difficult to counteract:

- there were coups, internal to the armed forces, with direct American influence;

- Obama has seemed a more modest actor-writing of others, strategist , master of a democratic international political line (sometimes made even punishment);

- Europe was on the balcony of your own home, without seeming to understand what was happening there before, stammering phrases only understood by the new "democracies" in the making in North Africa (plus time and on facts like these, you can not understand what it's for a "Ministry of Foreign Community) .

Hence at the end of the year likely many papers in the history of these countries will be discovered, and you will understand better what happened in those days. It also will better understand the scope of euphoria displayed by many politicians and opinion from our own, including journalists and intellectuals, on the success of the values \u200b\u200bof our democracies in those regions. Maybe he just did not pretend to understand.


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