(LPAC) - On the back of an endless series of scandals, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has decided it's time change the subject and to address "the problems of the country." So he announced a new plan for growth, focusing on deregulation of various economic sectors, starting with changes to the Constitution itself. Objective: To free ourselves from too many rules that prevent Italy from taking flight. The response of the Pd Pierluigi Bersani was not long in coming: but such liberalization? The real ones I made myself, and now they propose even more. In short, it triggered a race to be more liberal, all in favor of "growth" economy.
The reality is that this race favors only the political and financial interests of the City of London and Brussels, and their promoters in Italy. As we wrote after the split of the majority in last fall, the battle is part of the Italian political scenario designed for high level and obvious to anyone who wanted to look up from the swamp of daily clashes: the creation of an executive who can implement an emergency program modeled after the savage austerity plans announced and launched Greece, Ireland, Great Britain and France. Financial markets require blood and tears, otherwise speculative attacks on government bonds will resume any time, with a single currency, which is approaching its end. So the citizens such as a new wave of bailouts for those who have speculated, the true target of stabilization programs in Europe. Together the cuts will
the famous "structural reforms" that translated into real terms will lead to further privatization and liberalization, eliminating the protections of citizens in the face of speculative interests. Montezemolo will ensure profits high speed, such as Benetton have taken those highways. Follow municipal utilities, water, energy and everything else, some already under way in recent years. How to teach Britain and the United States, deregulation is the precondition for the looting by private interests, not for efficiency, which is instead made investments in infrastructure and high technology.
So far, the Berlusconi government has been unreliable in implementing the program required free, partly because of a Minister of the Economy which, while imposing a strict line with regard to public finances, constantly seeking ways to rebuild ' real economy through infrastructure projects and the demand for an international reform that separates the real assets from those speculative, because Tremonti immediately challenged the new plan Berlusconi, provoking the wrath of the true promoter, Giuliano Ferrara.
Now Berlusconi Bersani seems to have decided to satisfy the bankers in advance to avoid them having to dirty your hands manipulating the Italian political context. They want the free acceleration? We give it, so let's show how good we are and maybe we can keep / get positions of power.
While in the United States Commission of Inquiry into the crisis (FCIC) led by Phil Angelides published a critical report, indicating the repeal of Glass-Steagall (the separation between commercial banks and banks) and deregulation in general as the causes of economic and financial collapse in recent years, in Italy you want to embrace the disease rather than cure it. The bankers are laughing really.
To help counter the madness of those who believe that deregulation is the source of economic growth (which now seems thesis written statement in the DNA of the establishment, despite its proven fallacy) LPAC proposes to read the excellent study by Claudio Giudici of 2008 on the issue of privatization and deregulation in Italy, showing how the shock given to the Italian economy in the nineties began with the Amato and Ciampi governments (as claimed by some characters in these days) actually has dealt a blow to the industrial fabric and the sovereignty of the country. Do we really want to repeat this experience, for fear of antagonizing the powers that be at the international level?
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